Beautiful bins
Litter has been a pressing issue in Belgian streets since forever, and with its popular take-away, McDonald’s had become part of it in the eyes of the public. This resulted in a damaged image and municipalities becoming increasingly reluctant towards a McDonald’s in their community.

The Challenge
The good news was: we already did a lot of efforts to get McDonald’s litter of the streets. But despite our efforts to fight litter, people still thought it was not a priority for us. This made us realize the problem was above all one of changing people’s perception. We needed a big bang that made them realize that McDonald’s did not only ware about serving delicious food, but also maintaining clean streets. However, as a big fast-food brand, that’s easier said than done.
The Solution
McDonald’s embarked on a mission to make bins as loved as their delicious burgers. Our creative idea was simple: let’s make bins popular! Drawing on our experience as a strong and beloved brand, we were determined to give bins the star treatment they deserve. To do so, we used the same tricks as we would to sell burgers. By generating excitement and desire around using these appealing bins, we aimed to inspire and motivate everyone to make the conscious choice of disposing their waste responsibly. After all, even bins can have their moment in the limelight, right?
The Results